Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meet the Players

Avery, aka The Time Thief

Avery has been a part of the club since the year 2008. She has created a solid foundation in the club and has even had a technique named after her. "Averying" is the action of blatantly wasting time during a match of high intensity and importance.

What is your team: A self-crafted squad of hot pink "Avery-ers"
Motto: "Go glitz, or go home."
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Meet the Players

What Is Your Team: Brazil
Motto: Play or go home
Why did you start playing: Mary's introduction to the club came at the 2010 Independence Day Tournament. Most of her family, namely her cousins, inspired her interest and zesty style of play.
Sign of the Zodiac: Virgo

Friday, August 6, 2010

Meet the Players

Elizabeth-“E” or the Mastermind”

Elizabeth officially started playing Subbuteo in 2008, but was somewhat aware of the “sport” her whole life.

What is Your Team: I have created my own unique team of fashionistas

Motto: I will roll with more style than skill

Zodiac Sign: A proud cancer

First Beach Tournament Nets Chapped Pouch Consciousness

Inaugural Beach Tournament champion, Harrison, is pictured here with all five contending teams. The tournament’s proceeds went to raise awareness for Chapped Pelican Pouch Syndrome (or CPP) . When asked about the beachside fundraising flick football fiesta, participant Christian R. responded, “It was cool. We saved like five pelicans.” Bravo 1st and 4th Club members…bravo!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our 1st and 4th Club manager, Carter, is seen here rubbing elbows with MLS All-Star Sebastien Le Toux.