SEBT Participants Recall Their Roots, Reluctantly
On the eve of SEBT, I welcome all 1st and 4th Club members to recall their rather distant and modest past. For if we’re to forge ahead toward SEBT, we need to recall our past. Born of boredom, rather bad hygiene, and alcoholism, the first recorded 1st and 4th Club Subbuteo tournament transpired on Christmas day 1896. The then, Martin’s Celery Concern, ruled the working class with an iron hand. The pickers, before the blasphemous idea of unionization, labored 16-hour days, insipidly without respite. To make their lives bearable, they founded a Subbuteo society that would form the roots of the modern-day 1st and 4th club. Sure they used a ball formed from the remains of a schnapps cork, and the rudimentary figures were meticulously sculpted from chicken bone, in it’s crudest form the joy of Subbuteo spackled over the dung heap of the Martin Celery picker’s listless lives. Rusty “the finger” Johnson (seated second from the left) suggested flicking the players with the finger, revolutionizing the game we know today as Subbuteo. Before “the finger”, the tongue was employed as the mover of players. It is these founding father to whom we are truly indebted.
Love it! Inspired by the heroic strides of my forebears I, too, will foreswear use of the tongue on the pitch. Although I think perhaps a "throwback"-style tournament might be have to be a new spring tradition. Get whittling, fellas! In the meantime though, I will be trimming and polishing my index fingernail in preparation for SEBT--See Every Body There! (See what I did there?) Or as those same forebears would have done (for fun, I assume ...those sick bastards): Suck Ewes' Bloated Teats!