Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Blur: Ghost Protocol

For the last year The Blur has gone underground, surfacing only once for the purpose of reconnaissance. In an attempt to develop new and more effective strategies and skills, The Blur decided it was necessary to go Ghost -- to become invisible, to go unseen so that spies could not capture his play on tape and sell it to the highest bidder (likely one of his overly cocky rivals that feel they have nothing to fear from the man who puts more stock in playing to have fun than winning the trophy) so they could study his moves and try to find a weakness. The Blur enacted what has been dubbed the Ghost Protocol nearly a year ago after being impaled and losing the functionality of his right leg. Since then he has spent every waking moment (that he isn't obsessing over a slender beauty from Hanover that's way outside of his league) training, flicking, visualizing shots. At work, he spends his lunches doing wind sprints from one side of the lunch table to the other in the break room. Before every evening practice, he gives a motivational speech to his players. Sure, he's nuts, but he's due. This could be the year that Behemoth Junk reunites to take down FireWrists. Or perhaps he'll team with fellow band mate der Tyrant and Oxford Genius will school the youth on the ways of patience and whimsy.

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