This coming weekend, on July 3rd, the 1st & 4th Club will hold the classic tournament for the 4th of July. Although the holiday commemorates the founding of our floundering nation, the tournament will honor the greatest living terror in the Amazon River, the candiru, (Vandellia cirrhosa), a.k.a The Wang Fish. Though this fish has yet to invade the waterways of the Keystone State, give it time. The Wang Fish has plans within plans. Thus we need to raise awareness and support for this much maligned warrior of brown water. And sometimes yellow water. How else do expect to keep the native red-neck population in check or keep them from pissin’ in our crick? I mean, really, Pennsylvania has enough acid rain problems. It's time to go green with a vengeance. While the 1st & 4th Club supports and funds the destruction of cryptids, we extend all our material and spiritual support for the conservation of such a plucky fish. So, come out and flick your hardest… and remember to pee on dry land.

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